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Week 15: Colin James Gamble | Newborn Photographer | Hamilton |

On June 26, 2012, my wife and I were graced with the presence of our new son, Colin James Gamble. A full eight days overdue, Colin came into the world at 8:37PM EDT, with more hair on his head than daddy. This is the newborn photography shoot that I did at the age of 11 days, as well as a stop-motion video of his nursery being put together.

The stop-motion animation, is a transformation from guest room to newborn. Shot at 20-second intervals over four months, the animation is taken on a Nikon D90, using a simple 18-55mm “kit lens”. Natural lighting is used when appropriate and a central ceiling fan light is used during night painting. The music is by Marianas Trench, a Canadian band from Vancouver. The song is entitled “Porcelain” from their Ever After album and is available for purchase via iTunes: itunes.apple.com/ca/album/ever-after-deluxe-version/id479674517

Parts of Colins nursery, taken as a part of his newborn photography shoot.
Parts of Colin's nursery, taken as a part of his newborn photography shoot.
Colin asleep on his Tigger blanket.
Colin asleep on his Tigger blanket.
Colin in his fuzzy blanket from Aunt Emily, Uncle Mike and family, asleep.
Colin in his fuzzy blanket from Aunt Emily, Uncle Mike and family, asleep.
A close-up of our newborn Colin
A close-up of our newborn Colin's various parts.
Colin holding Mommy
Colin holding Mommy's finger.
About Take The Leap Photography

My name is Kevin Gamble and I am Take The Leap Photography. You can find out more about me (including why I'm an Awesomologist™) on the About page.

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