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The Cull Family | Family Photographer | Christmas | Milton |

Fantastic Christmas/family shoot with Sheri, Greg and Everett. Every time Ev handled the lights: “Off?”

Ev with his Christmas ball.
Ev with his Christmas ball.
Take The Leap Photography | Hamilton
If this doesn't say 'Happy Holidays', I don't know what does.
Ev in the Santa hat.
Ev in the Santa hat.
And three seconds after he got the ball...
And three seconds after he got the ball...
Christmas ball!
Christmas ball!
I love this family pic.
I love this family pic.
Ev and Daddy (Greg). Such a great candid shot.
Ev and Daddy (Greg). Such a great candid shot.
Adorable. How can you not love that smile?
Adorable. How can you not love that smile?
Take The Leap Photography | Hamilton
... it was rolling away from him on the floor.
... it was rolling away from him on the floor.
Greg and Sheri, lookin
Greg and Sheri, lookin' festive.
Adorable. What else is there to say?
Adorable. What else is there to say?
About Take The Leap Photography

My name is Kevin Gamble and I am Take The Leap Photography. You can find out more about me (including why I'm an Awesomologist™) on the About page.

Latest Photography Sessions
Dave & Lyndsey

Surprise engagements! They’re the BEST! And when Dave called me up two days before he planned to propose, I HAD to find a way to capture this for him.

Laird Family

The Laird family and I have done photos together before, back in 2014. We headed out to Webster’s Fall, in the Dundas Conservation Area, to update their photos!

Hynes Family

The Hynes family and I headed out to McMaster University for their family shoot. Man, they were fun.