For my third week of the 52 Week Project, I decided to jump into night photography.
Armed with my D90, my kit lens (18-55mm/3.5) and a friend’s borrowed tripod, I drove off to the West Mountain. I will likely try night photography again in the future, but I wanted to give it at go near the beginning of this project.
As always, sound off in the comments, especially if you have any tips for night-time photography. Or, if you have a suggestion for a future weekly theme!

Hamilton, Ontario, as viewed from the top of Highway 403. To the left is McMaster University; to the right, downtown Hamilton; in the air, planes leaving Toronto's Pearson Airport; in the foreground, Highway 403.

Orion the Hunter over an abandoned sanatorium on the west mountain of Hamilton, Ontario.

An abandoned sanatorium in Hamilton, Ontario. I found the site at night, had to shoot it and am excited to go back in the day and shoot some of the derelict interior.

One of the newer buildings on the Mohawk Campus, the front-facing window features all the colors of the spectrum.
About Take The Leap Photography
My name is Kevin Gamble and I am Take The Leap Photography. You can find out more about me (including why I'm an Awesomologist™) on the About page.
Latest Photography Sessions
Dave & Lyndsey
Surprise engagements! They’re the BEST! And when Dave called me up two days before he planned to propose, I HAD to find a way to capture this for him.
Laird Family
The Laird family and I have done photos together before, back in 2014. We headed out to Webster’s Fall, in the Dundas Conservation Area, to update their photos!
Hynes Family
The Hynes family and I headed out to McMaster University for their family shoot. Man, they were fun.